Instrument Literature


There is nothing uncommon about this musical instrument. It Is a very common, however a very famous musical instrument, used extensively in all forms of Indian music. The player is called as “Dholi”. It is a very famous folk drum of North India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. It is like a typical barrel shaped drum with...

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Dholak is a two headed south Asian hand drum. It is a very popular drum with double skins from northern Indian folk music. The difference in diameter of the high skin and the bass skin is relatively small in order to still get a powerful bass tone. In comparison to many other Indian drums the...

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The name itself reveals the type of music released from this instrument. Drums are basically used for foot tapping loud music. These are attention pullers. No matter what so ever mood we are in, once drums start playing, our feet start tapping, shoulders start jumping and waist start swirling. This is the impact drums create...

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Divine sound, heart melting music and soul touching noise is released through this woodwind musical instrument. It is named as flute. Flutes including the famous Bansuri have been an integral part of Indian classical music since 1500 BC Very famously portrayed pictures of Lord Krishna have depicted him playing a flute. The flute belongs to...

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What happens when we hear the word guitar? Yes it‘s true Happiness prevails our heart. Feet start stamping. Heart starts dancing. This is the impact guitar creates on people. The guitar is the most popular and extensively used musical instrument in any music related program. It has own place in traditional art creation and has...

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Harmonium is a type of reed organ that generates sound with bellows. It blows air through reeds, producing musical notes. Harmonium sounds like an accordion. It was invented in Europe at Paris in 1842 by Alexandre Debain . Harmonium is also known as “Peti” or “Baja”. It is an European instrument which was imported in...

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Mohan Veena

It was one fine day in 1968 when a 15 year old Vishwa Mohan Bhatt who was than learning sitar, stumbled across a Spanish guitar brought by a German student at his fathers music school. He started experimenting with it, trying to modify its structure to suit Indian music. What resulted was an Indian version...

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It‘s a two headed drum belonging to percussion instrument family largely and is played in southern part of India. Over a period of time Mridangam has evolved and is made of different types of woods. The body is made from the wood of the jackfruit tree. The two openings of the drum are covered with...

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Nagara belongs to the percussion family of musical instruments. They are mostly used in Punjabi and Rajasthani folk music. It is an ancient drum brought in India in the middle ages mostly by Arabs and Persians. Nagaras were treated as war drums. The loud and thundering beat of the huge drums usually meant that the...

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Pakhavaj belongs to the percussion instrument family. It is mostly used in North Indian classical music. It is quiet similar to Mridangam and is also termed as Mridangam in North India. Pakhavaj was derived from “Dvaf” drum and was extensively used in Mughal courts. It was a predominant drum and was used quiet often. It...

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Piano II

Piano II
What soothes your ears is good music. Music which enables you to fall in love, which gives you inner peace, which makes you sit down, which enables you to see the beauty in everything your eyes, sees. Music which introduces you to your own heart. One such music is released through an instrument named “Piano”....

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Sarangi is a representative of vital class of musical instruments. It has three to four main playing strings and a number of sympathetic strings. The instrument has no frets or finger board. The strings float in the air. Voice pitch is controlled by sliding the fingernail against the string. Sarangi has a box like shape...

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We all must have heard military bands. One of the most commonly used musical instruments during army parades is Saxophone also known as Sax. Known for their loud noises, hence used in army parades. It was basically designed for military bands. Saxophone was designed in 1846 by Adolphe Sax. Saxophones are usually made of brass...

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Sitar   Indian classical music is a very famous genre of music in India. It is the source of Indian music and practiced worldwide. It is said that it is very difficult to create or practice any music if you haven‘t learned Indian classical music, hence its termed as the mother tongue of Indian music....

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  Tabla is a pair of drums; it consists of a large left side drum called Bayan and a small right hand drum called Dayan. The left hand drum Bayan is made of iron, aluminum, copper, steel or clay, and has brass with nickel or chrome plate. The Dayan right hand drum is always made...

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Peace and rush are the two words that are derived from the music played with this instrument. Most of the times your heart feels healed when you listen to violin and other times it‘s used in for depicting rush and fast pace. Sometimes it‘s also used in pacing dancing melodious tunes. Violin is also called...

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Banjo is a African originated stringed musical instrument. It was popularized in United States by the slaves and later got exported to Europe. It was then spread in the modern times to Europe through the Arab conquest of Spain and the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans. Banjo was made by African slaves based on the...

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